If you want to find doctor because of flu or need good place nearby for lunch, Yelp APK 8.17.1 will give comprehensive list. Small or home business always finds difficulty to put ads on popular search engine or most visiting sites. They have to pay more to get name or brand on front page, even only small link on corner. This situation is not fair for competition. You have excellent burger or pizza, but your place in the corner or street where people have to look closely. Even though that business is on big city, small shop still relies on conventional marketing. That problem makes founder of Yelp realize that everyone deserve fair competition based on online review and critic. In this app, user can find where the good place to spend night with family or buying home cooking meal. This app uses review and rating to provide eligible information based on customer experience.
You may find this feature is similar with social media rating but Yelp has something that very different. In social media, people comment or critic are subjective or influenced by marketing view. The owner intends to attract more customers, so he or she writes something exaggerating about product. It is not fair unless comment is from verified user. On the other side, Yelp maintains balance between personal view and advertisement. It is very crucial since internet is very powerful to boost positive or negative perspective.
After this app is installed on smartphone, users can select which city they live then puts keyword on specific business. Yelp provides not only food or drink shops, but also any other service such as barbershop or clinic. Founder on this app is from renowned company with high reputation and long experience. The important to keep this app is the trust from user. More than hundreds millions people rely on Yelp for Android to get better alternative for goods or service.
Yelp APK Features and Details for Android
- Discover great local businesses.
- Search for nearby restaurants, shops, and services.
- Filter search results by neighborhood, distance, rating, price, and what’s open now.
- Read millions of reviews written by a community of active, expert locals.
- Get to know a business through beautiful photos.
- Find great Deals offered by your favorite local businesses.
- Look up addresses and phone numbers, call a business, or make reservations directly from the app.
- Write reviews, check-in to businesses, upload photos, and add tips of your own!
Latest Version Yelp APK 8.17.1
- Today’s release is mostly bug fixes and small improvements.