Another interesting game to try at home is Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft APK 6.0.13921. If you are an avid gamer, it will be incomplete without playing this game. It is one of the most popular mobile gaming platforms in the market. Now, you can play this game directly on the smartphone anytime and anywhere you want. It reaches the top spot of the most popular game downloaded in Google Play Store as of 14th April 2015. The developer tries to attract the devoted card players to conquer this game. There will be decks of 30 cards that the players should construct. The resources in this game are named Mana Crystals. The players can use the resources to do the turn based battle. Because of the unique resources, the players own various abilities such as decreasing the health of the enemy, calling the powerful minions, getting the hero abilities and using the spells.
There are nine heroes in Hearthstone. Each of them has special abilities and powers. The deck combination is available in various options. Playing Hearthstone with the Android cell phone is not bad at all. Every part of Hearthstone can be accessed easily via the mobile application. However, don’t expect to get a user friendly deck building. It also has limited access to the B-net capabilities. The deck list is very small to access from the mobile phone. It is a little bit hurting to view the arena draft.
When you want to get gold from the game, you need to win in the arena or successfully finish the challenges. The players can use the gold to purchase the packs. On average, a player gets five packs every day if they try to finish challenges. You will get a free classic pack if you try the application. Despite the cons available in the game, Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft for Android is still worthy to try as it has varied decks and fun characters.
Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft APK Features and Details for Android
Latest Version Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft APK 6.0.13921
- One Night in Karazhan: A Hearthstone Adventure will be available on August 11
- The following card backs have been added: Medivh’s Invitation, Karazhan Nights, and The Blue Portal
- Fixed a crash that would occur when you drew and played a minion quickly at the start of your turn
- Fixed various audio, visual, gameplay, AI and UI issues