Google Play services APK 9.4.52 (238-127739847) is available, supporting your android phone with this service is one thing which is a must. The presence of this app is very helpful for you in monitories and checking the condition of the app that are already installed in your home screen. Ensure that each of the app is having most upgraded and newest version so you can enjoy each of the development without needed to check it continuously. The presence of Google Play services is very helpful to be used as the automatic checker for each app in phone. It is related directly to the Google Play data center that is functioned well in checking the app’s status in a real time. The basic function of this app is to give the best service for the users to get the most updated apps from the standard Google apps. All the apps that are downloaded and installed through the Google Play will always be automatically join the list of updated apps. It will also help you to ensure the performance of the other program in the Google Play menu.
It can be started with the presence of the synchronized contacts, the better location based services until getting the latest user privacy settings for your phone app and menus. By installing this element for your android phone, it is the same with giving the opportunities for the phone in gaining best upgrade of its app function. All the app that are already installed will work well as well as the developer want.
Even when you do not notice the upgrade or the updated version of the app, this service will help you to find the newest version and the best version to install. Besides that, you can also have the faster offline searches, better map configuration and checking, better graphic services, gaming and so on. It can be said that the app for Android is the complement of android phone especially for its Google Play services. You have to choose the right version which is compatible for your Android. How to check the right version? just go to Settings -> Apps -> Google Play services. Look at the last 3 numbers in the parentheses. You’ll see something like -ABC where:
- A defines Android version:
- 0 for Android <5.0
- 2 for Android 5.0 and 5.1 starting with Play Services v8
- 4 for Android 5.0 and 5.1 before Play Services v8, Android >= 6.0 after
- 7 for Android 5.0, and 8 for Android TV.
- B defines CPU architecture:
- 1 for armeabi
- 3 for armeabi-v7a
- 4 for arm64-v8a, and 7 for x86.
- C defines DPI:
- 0 for universal
- 2 for 160
- 4 for 240
- 6 for 320
- 8 for 480.
Google Play services APK Features and Details for Android
- Used to update Google apps and apps from Google Play.
- Provides core functionality like authentication to your Google services, synchronized contacts, access to all the latest user privacy settings, and higher quality, lower-powered location based services.
- Enhances your app experience. It speeds up offline searches, provides more immersive maps, and improves gaming experiences.
- A defines Android version:
Latest Version Google Play services APK 9.4.52 (238-127739847)
- Bug fixes