Harvesting game is never getting old because FarmVille 2: Country Escape APK 5.4.964 will bring back what players want the most. Before go in-depth about new version, you surely still remember when this game released at first time. Basic concept of this game is simple and plain but developer enhance graphic and plot to attract more smartphone users. As usual, you have to take care family farm to plant crops. Besides plants, player can get animal to increase revenue. Both of them are basic life support, so player will learn how to manage each of them to keep family life stable. After installing this game on android-based smartphone, player can start immediately. There is ranch as dairy factory to produce milk. Selling lucrative item will give you more coins from market. The interesting part is price index that changes every time, so players have to concern about this to gain more profit.
Market is place to selling and buying in order to receive coins and experience. Player cannot plant crops and grow them whenever they want. You only have limited space of storage, so think wisely before planting or harvesting. This feature keeps player to stay alert on farm every time. As time goes by, player will feel adaptable and enjoyable in this game. Developer realizes new game in harvesting is very difficult to get more players unless the graphic is wonderful. You will see high resolution of picture and smooth animation on this game.
Zoom in or out can be done by light touch on screen. Farmville allow player to see another farm from others through internet. This feature is main characteristic on this game that cannot be thrown away by developer. This game looks like miniature of real life farm where farmer or peasant lives on countryside. Therefore, Farmville 2: Country Escape for Android is the right game to make you feel alive.
FarmVille 2: Country Escape APK Features and Details for Android
- CRAFT a variety of baked gourmet goods like classic country apple pies
- HARVEST farm fresh crops of your favorite fruits and vegetables
- CUSTOMIZE your own farm for charming country living
- COLLECT hidden and rare items as you discover a new coastal farm
- NURTURE and raise a wide variety of adorable animals like your very own farm dog
- EXPLORE a new FarmVille story filled with special farm adventures
- BUILD a lush family farm by the coast so all your friends can visit
- FISH with your fellow farmers and sell your catch at Pike’s Landing
- GARDEN by the beautiful blue ocean as you decorate your farm with flowers and fresh produce
- TRADE and chat with friends or play anonymously with people from all over the world
- ESCAPE to the coast and then connect to your Facebook farm to send free water
- EARN daily rewards with the Mystery and take a spin at the Prize Wheel
Latest Version FarmVille 2: Country Escape APK 5.4.964
- ADVANCE through five different phases to win rewards like Keys, Golden Gloves, Stamps and more.
- WIN a visit from the Truffle Dog Farm Hand who will stay with you for 30 days after the event!