AnTuTu Benchmark APK 6.2.1 is now available with better features. When we play games in our phone or tablet, sometimes we experience lagging. The performance on your device that sometimes does not work correctly may cause your android device to get lag. AnTuTu is an application to test the performance of your phone or tablet. It also helps you to check the performance of your smartphone for playing games with high graphic activity. It measures several aspects on your phone or tablet such as user experience, central processing unit, graphic processing unit, random access memory, as well as input/output. However, those numbers have no meaning of their own. It is only useful when you compared the score of your device with other device. The system of this app works in three phases. In the first phase, the app checks the random access memory (RAM) of your android device. It tests your RAM through several continuous data flow to check the durability of the device.
In the second phase, this app verifies how your smartphone handle 2D graphic. It test your phone or tablet through several pixelated images to check how the device response to the images. The final phase is quite similar with the second phase. The only thing difference is instead checking 2D graphic, it test 3D graphic. You will see 3D graphic sequence while testing is running. Moreover, Antutu also has a feature called AntuTu Officer.
The purpose of this feature is to check the originality of your smartphone. In order to check the overall originality of your android device, you have to make sure the battery is fully charged. Close all running apps when the process is initiated. Do not use the device for texting or playing games while this app is processing. All you need to do is waiting and be patient. This checking will takes a while.
AnTuTu Benchmark APK Features and Details for Android
- New designed 3D Testing Scene.
- Add new UX testing items and increase UX testing proportion
- New CPU Testing Added
- New Score Proportion
- Cross-platform
Latest Version AnTuTu Benchmark APK 6.2.1
- Add: Support Device verification
- Optimizing: Testing start process, Using experience of score page
- Fixed crash and bug fix