Age of Empires:WorldDomination APK 2.2.1 is available. Back in two years ago, Microsoft, the owner of Age of Empire franchise planned to bring this desktop game into the mobile device version. And now, they really make it happen by releasing Age of Empires:WorldDomination for Android. Actually, this is not the first time for this franchise to be released as the mobile device game. Previously the American giant software company has released another series of this game entitled ‘Castle Siege’ which created a massive success. So, in order to create the same crowd, the franchise owner teamed up with KLab Global, a game developer behind some other popular game such as BLEACH, to develop the sequel of it. The Age of Empire: World Domination is classified as the RTS (Real Time Strategy) game. Here, you should make a strategy to build your own civilization. And for you who already played the previous series of this game on desktop, playing World Domination will be such a nostalgic time.
It is because from its promotional video, we can see that this game is completed with its classic features that can be found in the previous series. Some old features such as technology trees, Fog-of-war, different battle units, and some playable versions of world-history’s biggest civilization will be perfectly adopted in this game. Further, this game also offers real-time battle feature that lets you to rebuild some historical empires by advancing its technology.
And as the character, player can choose from more than 100 world’s legendary heroes such as Oda Nobunaga, King Arthur, Knut the Great, Joan of Arc, Cao Cao, and many more. But, unfortunately, not all people are able to enjoy this game. Recently, it is still available in the selected countries only. Therefore, if you have a huge interest in playing this game, you should wait until this in-app purchase Age of Empires:WorldDomination for Android can be downloaded.
Age of Empires:WorldDomination APK Features and Details for Android
- A Revolutionary Real-Time Battle System
- Your Empire, Your Legend
- Dominate the World with HEROES from the Greatest Empires
- Power of the World is Within Your Grasp
Latest Version Age of Empires:WorldDomination APK 2.2.1
- New items added to Hero Coin Shop
- Arena disconnection issues fixed
- Other minor fixes